Actually main destination for this trip is Sikkim and it wasn't 100% my idea. Since my buddy couldn't go to Nepal and I was on the way to India by myself anyway. So I thought it could be a compromise if he could join India trip and see the Himalayas a bit. Which was not bad idea at all. Sikkim is amazingly beautiful. Sometimes I'm amazed how people could live in such mountain areas.

We booked Jeep ticket one day in advance to avoid all the hassle. Since my friend gets sick if he doesn't get the front seat we had to pay extra for 'room' next to driver. Which obviously there're always 3 passengers next to driver. So it will be 4 big guys squeezing in front seat. We didn't want that (No, HE couldn't stand that) so we agreed to pay for third passenger too so we can get 3 seats just for 2 of us (yeah and my ass is big, I know, don't remind me!) :-P
(From Darjeeling to Gangtok. Ticket for one person = Rs 120, we paid Rs 360 for two of us.. they gave Rs 10 discount. Wow, how generous..!)
I was so damn tired that night because I had to wake up at 4 am to go to Tiger Hill. So that night i thought I would just sleep in a bit. But No.. I wasn't that lucky. There was an Indian family checked in next to our room and started to watch Bollywood film on TV with higest volume they could get.
Thank Buddha...I got my ear plugs
Next morning too they woke me up at 3 AM by talking so f**king loud to each other AND sound from TV. What a day..

Our jeep
We managed to get to Jeep Station at 8 AM. I needed something to eat but almost all the shops were still closed. My friend bought a lot of oranges. Not to eat. But for sniffing. (yeah.. u know.. u got car sick.. he got sick from smell of gasoline.. smoke.. and even got sick from pills that prevent motion sickness.. wicked)

having chai as breakfast
I really needed something to drink. Found "Chai" stall next to the ticket booth. So I chained my backpack to the booth and went for Chai. It's only Rs3 / cup of Chai and it was very lovely too. Drinking hot milk tea from cracked cup. No chairs. Just sitting on the street. I liked that! :-D (Didn't dare to eat crackers though)
After a while. Someone came to tell us to bring our bags to the jeep. It was early! I thought we were leaving but they were just loading all the bags and still had to wait for another passengers.
Then I met Bini and her dad. They were going to get on the same jeep. And Bini's dad said they booked ticket via their hotel in Darjeeling.

They told him that they wanted front seat. But when they arrived at station. Ofcourse front seat was already taken (ehm.. by us) They even went back to hotel reception to complain but nobody was there. So we had to take middle seat. (which is not so bad if you don't have to share with another 2 people and a baby) for whole day trip and a jeep.
Anyway, I found that they were going to Sikkim to do short trip too. That's perfect. Because to go on touring in Sikkim it's needed to be in group of 4 travelers. Good that we met here already so it means we wouldn't have to wait for an agency to find other people to join our group.

Tea bushes in Darjeeling. On the way to Sikkim
Along the way to Sikkim. There're signs everywhere. Some are really funny.. something like..
"If married, Divorce Speed"
"This is Highway.. Not Runway"
"Thank you for your visit.Please come to drive on our road again"
"Drive Slow, Blow horn".....

Nice album. No Money No Honey?

Teesta River, now we're entering Sikkim state
There's river named "Teesta" running through this valley. Lot of people come here to do white water rafting. Looks cool!

"Rafting town"